Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kimmie Weeks' Communications Agent Is Interested!

Natsumi Ajiki, the communications director of the organization that Kimmie Weeks is incharge of, sent us a prompt reply informing us of the costs, and additional information on Kimmie Weeks' speaking tours. She said that she is looking forward to working with us, in our endeavor to get Kimmie Weeks to make an appearance at Crescent. We are working on a possible theme for Mr. Weeks to speak about.

Stay tuned for new updates on the possibility of Kimmie Weeks coming to speak at Crescent!

Friday, November 19, 2010

We have sent an email to Kimmie Weeks asking him to come to our school and speak about his experiences as a child solider. We hope that he will come.

Stay tuned for more details!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sudan Board is Up!

This is the new STAND board that is now up in our school. There is a map of Sudan as well as a world map on the board. We have also included a Globe and Mail article that speaks of current progress that is being done, in the months leading up to Janurary 9th, 2011 refrendum.We are also posting a weekly story about a person that has been killed in the genocide. This is all apart of the ''STAND FOR THE DEAD'' campaign, which pays tribute to individuals who have have passed away in Darfur. We have also included moving pictures in hopes of attracting people's attention.

Stay Tuned for more Updates!

An Intresting Game that tells about the issues in Darfur

This is a first person role playing game that explains about the issues that are really taking place in Darfur. Darfur is Dying is a viral video game for change that provides a window into the experience of the 2.5 million refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan. Players must keep their refugee camp functioning in the face of possible attack by Janjaweed militias. Players can also learn more about the genocide in Darfur that has taken the lives of 400,000 people, and find ways to get involved to help stop this human rights and humanitarian crisis.
